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sickle Windowed adaptive trimming tool for FASTQ files using quality
sigdigger Graphical digital signal analyzer
sigutils Digital signal processing library
sil Roguelike that stays true to the writing of Tolkien
sil-scheherazade-ttf Smart unicode font for arabic
silky Silky is an easy-to-use graphical SILC client
silvertree Silver Tree, an open source role playing game
simdutf Library for unicode validation, transcoding and processing
simgrid Simulator of distributed applications
simpa Agent-oriented framework for concurrent, multi-core, distributed programming
simple-mtpfs FUSE module for interacting with MTP devices
simplec Port of SmallC/i386 compiler
simplehttpserver Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer
simplesocket Simple socket helpers for C++ 2014
simulavr-git Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
singular SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations
sioyek PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers
sipp SIPp is a free Open Source SIP test tool/traffic generator
siptoolbox Scilab Image Processing toolbox
sipwitch Secure peer-to-peer VoIP server that uses the SIP protocol
sis Classic logic synthesis tool
siscone C++ code for a Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet finder
sjg-mk-files Mk-files for bmake from Simon J. Gerraty
skint Cheap and fast R7RS Scheme Interpreter
skippy-xd Full-screen Exoise0styke standalone task switcher for X11
slack-libpurple Slack protocol plugin for libpurple IM clients
slack-term Slack client for your terminal
slackpkg2pkgsrc Simple script for easy generation of Slackware binary packages
slade It's a Doom Editor
slashem Slash'EM is a Nethack variant with more stuff
slate Prototype-based object-oriented programming language
slclust Single-linkage clustering with Jaccard similarity
slicot Numerical algorithms from systems and control theory
slideml HTML slide generator based on SlideML
slime Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
slowhttptest Tool implementing some Slow HTTP attacks
slune Action game, featuring cars, races and Tux the Penguin
slurm-wlm-devel Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
sm-change_ldappass Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail
sm-change_qldforward Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail
sm-compatibility Provides backward compatibility to SquirrelMail plugins
smallbasic Fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter
smallbasic-gui SmallBASIC with GUI
smap SIP network scanner
smc Super Mario (World) Clone using pretty 2D graphics
smithwaterman Smith-waterman-gotoh alignment algorithm
smocker Simple and efficient HTTP mock server and proxy
smplayer Free open source media player
smproxy Proxy to allow non-XSMP apps to be managed by xsm
smstools Send and receive short messages via GSM phones
smtp-gated Proxy for SMTP sessions with virus and spam scan
smtp.proxy The smtp.proxy is an application level gateway for SMTP
smtprc Open relay scanner
smtprc-gui Open relay scanner Tk GUI
smtpscan Remote SMTP version checker
smw Super Mario War - stomp the Marios
snallygaster-git Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers
SNAP Gene finding for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes
snapraid Backup program designed for disk arrays
snark BitTorrent application suite in Java
sndio Small audio and MIDI framework
snes9express Frontend for snes9x written in GTK2
socklog System and kernel logging services
softether Powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software
softflowd Flow-based network traffic analyser capable of Cisco NetFlow export
soil Tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL
solarus-zsdx Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX
solvespace-git Parametric 2D/3D CAD program
songwrite2 Music score and songbook editor
sonic-visualiser Application for viewing and analysing music audio files
sophia Modern embeddable key-value database
soplex Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs)
soqt Legacy library that provides glue between Coin and Qt
spai Sparse Approximate Inverses
spamassassin-cvs Mail filter to identify spam (CVS snapshot)
spamd-devel OpenBSD spam deferral daemons and tools
spark2014 SPARK 2014 toolset
spatt Statistics for Patterns
spcm Simple, portable cluster management
spectra Header-only C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems
speed-dreams (no description)
speedx Car racing game for X
spfmilter Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) as a milter
spice-html5 Pure Javascript SPICE client
spice-vdagent Agent for Spice guests
spid-compliant-certificates Generate X509 certificates according to Avviso SPID 29 v3
spidermonkey24 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spidermonkey31 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spiralloops Loop based sampler
spiralsynth Polyphonic analogue softsynth
spirv-tools API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
splix Driver for SPL printers (Samsung and Xerox)
spot Library for omega automata manipulation and model checking
spread4 Group communication system providing a number of messaging services
sq Jq-style access to structured data sources
sqlc Generate type-safe code from SQL
sqlitewrite CSV-like storage to sqlite
sqlux Sinclair QL emulator
squeak3 Squeak version 3.x
mk Subfolder