sickle | | Windowed adaptive trimming tool for FASTQ files using quality |
sigdigger | | Graphical digital signal analyzer |
sigutils | | Digital signal processing library |
sil | | Roguelike that stays true to the writing of Tolkien |
sil-scheherazade-ttf | | Smart unicode font for arabic |
silky | | Silky is an easy-to-use graphical SILC client |
silvertree | | Silver Tree, an open source role playing game |
simdutf | | Library for unicode validation, transcoding and processing |
simgrid | | Simulator of distributed applications |
simpa | | Agent-oriented framework for concurrent, multi-core, distributed programming |
simple-mtpfs | | FUSE module for interacting with MTP devices |
simplec | | Port of SmallC/i386 compiler |
simplehttpserver | | Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer |
simplesocket | | Simple socket helpers for C++ 2014 |
simulavr-git | | Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers |
singular | | SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations |
sioyek | | PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers |
sipp | | SIPp is a free Open Source SIP test tool/traffic generator |
siptoolbox | | Scilab Image Processing toolbox |
sipwitch | | Secure peer-to-peer VoIP server that uses the SIP protocol |
sis | | Classic logic synthesis tool |
siscone | | C++ code for a Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet finder |
sjg-mk-files | | Mk-files for bmake from Simon J. Gerraty |
skinlf | | |
skint | | Cheap and fast R7RS Scheme Interpreter |
skippy-xd | | Full-screen Exoise0styke standalone task switcher for X11 |
slack-libpurple | | Slack protocol plugin for libpurple IM clients |
slack-term | | Slack client for your terminal |
slackpkg2pkgsrc | | Simple script for easy generation of Slackware binary packages |
slade | | It's a Doom Editor |
slashem | | Slash'EM is a Nethack variant with more stuff |
slate | | Prototype-based object-oriented programming language |
slclust | | Single-linkage clustering with Jaccard similarity |
slicot | | Numerical algorithms from systems and control theory |
slideml | | HTML slide generator based on SlideML |
slime | | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs |
slowhttptest | | Tool implementing some Slow HTTP attacks |
slune | | Action game, featuring cars, races and Tux the Penguin |
slurm-wlm-devel | | Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management |
sm-change_ldappass | | Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail |
sm-change_qldforward | | Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail |
sm-compatibility | | Provides backward compatibility to SquirrelMail plugins |
smallbasic | | Fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter |
smallbasic-gui | | SmallBASIC with GUI |
smap | | SIP network scanner |
smc | | Super Mario (World) Clone using pretty 2D graphics |
smithwaterman | | Smith-waterman-gotoh alignment algorithm |
smocker | | Simple and efficient HTTP mock server and proxy |
smplayer | | Free open source media player |
smproxy | | Proxy to allow non-XSMP apps to be managed by xsm |
smstools | | Send and receive short messages via GSM phones |
smtp-gated | | Proxy for SMTP sessions with virus and spam scan |
smtp.proxy | | The smtp.proxy is an application level gateway for SMTP |
smtprc | | Open relay scanner |
smtprc-gui | | Open relay scanner Tk GUI |
smtpscan | | Remote SMTP version checker |
smw | | Super Mario War - stomp the Marios |
snallygaster-git | | Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers |
SNAP | | Gene finding for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes |
snapraid | | Backup program designed for disk arrays |
snark | | BitTorrent application suite in Java |
sndio | | Small audio and MIDI framework |
snes9express | | Frontend for snes9x written in GTK2 |
socklog | | System and kernel logging services |
softether | | Powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software |
softflowd | | Flow-based network traffic analyser capable of Cisco NetFlow export |
soil | | Tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL |
solarus-zsdx | | Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX |
solvespace-git | | Parametric 2D/3D CAD program |
songwrite2 | | Music score and songbook editor |
sonic-visualiser | | Application for viewing and analysing music audio files |
sophia | | Modern embeddable key-value database |
soplex | | Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs) |
soqt | | Legacy library that provides glue between Coin and Qt |
spai | | Sparse Approximate Inverses |
spamassassin-cvs | | Mail filter to identify spam (CVS snapshot) |
spamd-devel | | OpenBSD spam deferral daemons and tools |
spark2014 | | SPARK 2014 toolset |
spatt | | Statistics for Patterns |
spcm | | Simple, portable cluster management |
spectra | | Header-only C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems |
speed-dreams | | (no description) |
speedx | | Car racing game for X |
spfmilter | | Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) as a milter |
spice-html5 | | Pure Javascript SPICE client |
spice-vdagent | | Agent for Spice guests |
spid-compliant-certificates | | Generate X509 certificates according to Avviso SPID 29 v3 |
spidermonkey24 | | Standalone JavaScript implementation in C |
spidermonkey31 | | Standalone JavaScript implementation in C |
spiralloops | | Loop based sampler |
spiralsynth | | Polyphonic analogue softsynth |
spirv-tools | | API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules |
splix | | Driver for SPL printers (Samsung and Xerox) |
spot | | Library for omega automata manipulation and model checking |
spread4 | | Group communication system providing a number of messaging services |
sq | | Jq-style access to structured data sources |
sqlc | | Generate type-safe code from SQL |
sqlitewrite | | CSV-like storage to sqlite |
sqlux | | Sinclair QL emulator |
squeak3 | | Squeak version 3.x |
mk | | Subfolder |